Nurturing Nature

We believe that by nurturing nature, we are making our golf course a more beautiful and enjoyable place for everyone. We also believe that we are helping to protect the environment for future generations.
A Privileged Location in the South Downs National Park
Protecting the Environment for Future Generations
The park is home to a variety of stunning scenery, including rolling hills, chalk downland, and ancient woodland. It is also a haven for wildlife, with over 3,000 species of plants and animals calling the park home.
The club is committed to working with the South Downs National Park Authority to protect and enhance the environment. The club has a number of environmental initiatives in place, including:
Using sustainable practices in the maintenance of the course
Planting native trees and shrubs
Creating wildlife habitats
Reducing water usage
The club is also a member of the South Downs Golf Partnership, a group of golf clubs that are working together to protect the environment.
The clubs location in the South Downs National Park is a major asset. The stunning scenery provides a backdrop for a truly memorable golfing experience. The club is also committed to protecting the environment, which makes it a great choice for golfers who are passionate about sustainability.

We have recently hosted the inaugural Nature Links - Bio Diversity in the Golf Sector Seminar at Lewes Golf Club. The seminar brought golf club owners, managers and head greenkeepers from the surrounding areas together along with inspiring and motivational presentations from speakers both within and outside the golf industry. A buffet lunch and refreshments was provided and prepared by Mark King at the Clubhouse restaurant, with many thanks to the Fairways Foundation, The Southwood Foundation and Lewes Golf Club. And there were live demonstrations and discussions held on the course by Head Greenkeeper Tim Brewster and his team.
In all, we found it very encouraging for us, as a Club, to realise that we already do much to accommodate and promote wildlife whilst following good practice when managing our course. Moving forward, we hope there will be more events like this as we all learnt so much.
You can read our full blog about the seminar by clicking below.
Nature Links Seminar 2023

Our Pollinators
Lewes Golf Club is committed to sustainability and environmental protection. As part of this commitment, we have installed bee hives on the course.

The bees help to pollinate the flowers and plants on the course, which in turn helps to improve the biodiversity of the area.

The bees also produce fresh local honey, which is available in limited numbers for purchase by club members.

A Natural Oasis for Golfers